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Book Authored By Manvir Singh Anand
Catering your way to Financial Independence
Step by Step process to start a Food Catering Business without any prior background in hospitality industry
#1 Amazon National Best-Seller
– Restaurants Category
––Entrepreneurship Category
– Business & Professions Category

What the Media Says about the Book
"Must Read Book for Every Budding or Existing Food Entrepreneur" - India Express
"Catering can be the only saviour to next-gen restaurants"- EventFaqs
"This Book supports the PM Modi's Vision of Aatam Nirbhar Bharat" - SMETimes
"Must for Restauranteurs to Quadruple their Profits with existing Kitchen - Restaurant India (Entrepreneur Magazine)
Manvir’s #CatertoSuccess Talk
Catering Success Podcast

Want Manvir to speak at your next event?
Want Manvir to speak at your next event? Reach out us to create a memorable and engaging experience for your attendees. Topics of expertise include –
#Catertosucess #Sales&Marketinghacks #Growthmindset #Artofcoldcalls #ZeroCostBlitzScaling
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