Scaling Services to Increase Agility of Organizations

Following the principle of “less is more”, there are very few additions – all of which have been thoroughly tried and tested. We’ve outlined the LeSS flow and all the rules of the LeSS framework on our poster. By making access to scientific knowledge simple and affordable, self-development becomes attainable for everyone, including you! Join our learning platform and boost your skills with Toolshero.

large-scale scrum (LeSS)

The sprint backlog is the subset of items from the product backlog intended for developers to address in the upcoming sprint. All of these new ideas tend to trigger the team to adapt the backlog to incorporate new knowledge. You may need to abandon your current organizational structure and change your present development techniques drastically in order to embrace LeSS completely. The organizational structure is completely different from traditional program management. It is recommended by LeSS to start applying the principles of LeSS with one scrum team and adapt the change step by step. In the second stage of planning, the team discusses selected items.

Sprint backlog

Teams also use Sprint Review meetings to examine their work and set Sprint goals for their next Sprint. LeSS guides are suggestions based on LeSS experiments created by Craig Larman and Bas Vodde. They are useful in determining how to implement LeSS, the responsibilities of the people involved, and how to organize teams.

Unfortunately, organisations have a tendency to disconnect teams from customers as soon as they start to grow. To counter this, you should make sure that teams are organised around the customer and their needs. Teams are even more likely than individuals to sub-optimise their goals. With this in mind, the biggest challenge facing teams is to integrate their work on a project.


Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka introduced the term scrum in the context of product development in their 1986 Harvard Business Review article, ‘The New New Product Development Game’. Takeuchi and Nonaka later argued in The Knowledge Creating Company that it is a form of “organizational knowledge creation, […] especially good at bringing about innovation continuously, incrementally and spirally”. These changes come from a variety of sources, but according to scrum, understanding why is irrelevant, and change should simply be accepted, embraced, and analyzed for benefits. Large Scale Scrum is beneficial to large organizations that struggle with scaling Scrum. LeSS provides a helpful framework that assists companies to develop products with a customer-centric approach in large, ongoing projects. They serve up to 3 teams and guide them through the product development process.

large-scale scrum (LeSS)

After all, the Scrum Master should know if they’re doing things correctly, right? A Scrum Master helps people to see beyond their individual perspective to the larger production system—the product group interactions, delays, causes, and potentials. This is key because unintegrated individual team output won’t create customer value. Do multi-team PBR for items, for shared knowledge across teams, which increases organizational agility, broadens whole-product knowledge, and fosters self-organized coordination. After a break, Team Trade hold separate team-level Sprint Retrospectives.

• Experiments, Guides, Rules, Principles •

Work on the sprint backlog is never assigned to developers; team members pull work as needed according to the backlog priority and their own skills and capacity. Every team should have a product owner, although in many instances a product owner could work with more than one team. The product owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product. The product owner gathers input and takes feedback from, and is lobbied by, many people but ultimately has the final decision about what gets built. When a sprint is abnormally terminated, the next step is to conduct new sprint planning, where the reason for the termination is reviewed.

large-scale scrum (LeSS)

Portia is the Area Product Owner for a new Requirement Area in a Securities trading system. The new area started with just one team for focus and simplicity. But her third new team, HouseDraculesti, is based in Cluj Romania at a major development site for the company. The team members come to know the customer domain of that area well.

LeSS Huge Framework

I’m slightly exaggerating, but it doesn’t mean that all the code is on Jenkins or some other type of continuous integration build server. And to enable that, we have teams that are truly cross-functional. It’s a barely sufficient framework and it has officially parted ways with the 2020 Scrum guide. You can also discover some potential interventions that change the health of the whole system, and it’s a fantastic way of getting alignment about how to improve the way we work towards that perfection vision. We can use it as a social exercise to align our assumptions about how the system is working so we can try to find those key variables so that if they change, they will actually change the behavior of the whole system.

  • The LeSS framework seeks to apply the principles and ideals of scrum in a large-scale enterprise context as simply as possible through defined rules and guides.
  • This leads to new experiences that ultimately shift the organisational culture to become more agile (cf. How can a company become agile?).
  • The maximum duration of sprint planning is eight hours for a four-week sprint.
  • Around a large whiteboard they sketch and talk together towards some clarity and agreement on a design approach and common technical tasks.
  • In parallel, Mira, Mark, and the others think hard about final minor points to clear up for their items, and write some questions on flip-chart papers on the walls around the room.

Common dysfunctional approaches to scrum have now been recognised as anti-patterns, including dark scrum and scream. Bas Vodde and Craig Larman evolved the LeSS framework from their experiences working with large-scale product development, especially in the telecoms and finance industries. It evolved by taking Scrum and trying many different experiments to discover what works. In 2013, the experiments were solidified into the LeSS framework rules. The intention of LeSS is to ‘descale’ organization complexity, dissolving unnecessary complex organizational solutions, and solving them in simpler ways. Less roles, less management, less organizational structures.

CLE: Certified LeSS for Executives – Principles, Organization, and Change

These teams work to produce high-quality software while coordinating and collaborating with other teams. A scrum master guides and teaches the teams how to work in LeSS. Then there is the product owner who manages the product backlog which consists of the list of features. There is also an Undone Department which is a list of tasks that were not done in a sprint.

The group splits the new giant item into only a few large parts, to learn major elements. More splitting will happen later in a single-team or multi-team PBR session. But they don’t go any deeper—they’re avoiding over-analysis. Tanya and Ted are the traders who told Paolo about a trend that led to the items being refined in the multi-team PBR session. So they both join, as experts to help the teams learn and clarify the new items.


The Test community, with volunteers from most teams, gets together for a half-hour to hear Mary’s proposal to try a new automated acceptance-testing tool. They enthusiastically agree, and Mary volunteers her Team Margin to do the actual experimental work What is LESS next Sprint, since they are really interested in learning this. During the talking, the teams realize the need for an in-depth multi-team Design Workshop. But the rules are minimalistic and don’t answer how to apply LeSS in your specific context.

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